
Our larp is a place for collaborative storytelling. Rather than trying to best our co-players, we aim to engage in mutually fulfilling play. This means there will be situations in which you will come out on top and others where your role will be to suffer a dramatic loss. The most gratifying stories are a good mix of failure and success.



Violence, intimacy and other intense play will always be opt-in and therefore we ask our players to slowly escalate these scenes (using escalation and deescalation mechanics). We also suggest pre-negotiation in an off-game setting especially when it comes to intimacy, all parties involved must always be comfortable to end the scene or to call for a calibration. We suggest that you negotiate such aspects of the larp with your co-players before runtime, during the allocated time in the workshops. Fighting will always be opt-in and we strive to provide meaningful alternative activities while it is going on.


There will be a number of game mechanics and metatechniques that we will learn and practice during the workshops. These will include:

A Simple Combat System - There will be larp fighting during the event, it will be done with larp safe weapons. The fighting will be supported by a simple system for counting dramatic hits in spontaneous fights, and mass combat. Characters can only die if their players so choose. A holmgang is a formal duel to the death; so accepting the challenge for holmgang is opt-in for the possibility of character death. 

hólmganga (genitive singular hólmgöngu, nominative plural hólmgöngur)

Seiðr - During the larp prophecies will be foretold, omens will be deciphered and interpreted and your deeds might tell of a fate soon to come. The characters of our larp believe in fate, and magic, and Gods old and new. To support this cultural aspect a mechanic will offer the players ways to direct each others stories.

Vǫlva (genitive vǫlu, plural vǫlur)

Memory Scenes - During the larp we may play out significant scenes from the character’s pasts. These scenes will include NPCs and Shadow Game Masters, and will be run in locations away from the rest of the players. If we remove big groups of players for larger memories scenes, there will be an ingame reason for them to disappear like “Planning of the next seasons raids” or “Boar Hunting”.

Escalation and De-escalation - During the larp we will be using escalation and deescalation mechanics (both verbal and non-verbal) will be used to signal and establish boundaries between players.

Cut - is a safe word that signals that the personal boundaries of an individual player have somehow been crossed and the player needs to extract themselves from the situation. If another player uses this word, then immediately cease the scene and check in with them.

Code of Conduct and Safety Policy

In addition to these mechanics, it is important that all participants adhere to our code of conduct. If you break our code of conduct, we reserve the right to remove you from the larp, in accordance with our safety policy. You can read both here: